MPSA – Intake Concrete Caisson

Client: Minera Panamá S.A. 2016

Construction of a pump station for a thermoelectric plant cooling system. Project under EPC modality which consists of the construction of a pump station on land, after which it will be transported, launched to sea and sunk at its final position. The structure carries a weight in excess of 5,000 tons. The project includes the construction of a launch ramp and various underwater fill and protection works.

VOPAK – Demolition Contract – Bahia Las Minas Phase – 1A

DIPA – Dry excavation and dredging works at Agua Clara locks

Kanan Overseas – Dock System for Energy Barges

WWL ALS – Logistic Cargo Transportation from MIT to Punta Rincon (Mine Trucks)

IMI | Intercoastal Marine Inc.