ENERGÍA 2000 – Specialized studies and PDA


On-Shore and Off-Shore static tests were performed by IMI. The Off-Shore load test was carried out at a depth of approximately 15 m below sea level, using a Jack-Up Barge self-elevating platform, support barges, auxiliary platform, piles, reaction beams, and high capacity cranes belonging to IMI. Dynamic tests and geotechnical drilling were carried out to understand the soil conditions.

DIPA – Removal of structures and debris of the ACP Oil Crib

Kanan Overseas – Dock System for Energy Barges

VOPAK – Demolition Contract – Bahia Las Minas Phase – 1A

WWL ALS – Logistic Cargo Transportation from MIT to Punta Rincon (Mine Trucks)

IMI | Intercoastal Marine Inc.